Thursday 23 July 2009

Sorry it's been so long

Well it's been quite a while since I was last on here and such a lot has happened. Kayleigh is finally out of plaster and has started physio. School has broken up for the summer holidays. The first week of the holidays Kayleigh came down with flu like symptoms on the Saturday but because it was a weekend I just dosed her up with paracetamol and ibuprofen and they seemed to disappear. By the Wednesday they had come back so I phoned the Doctor, he said because I hadn't called at the weekend he couldn't give her Tamiflu so he could only record it as a suspected case of swine flu but I still had to keep her and the other 2 isolated for 5 days just incase.
Isolation time is now up so hopefully we can enjoy the rest of the holidays without too much trouble.

Thursday 28 May 2009

Kayleighs got another cast on her foot

I dropped Michaela and Josh off at a friends then took Kayleigh to the hospital for a check up on her foot. Her appointment was 10.25 and we arrived at 10 where we were given slips to get her cast off and X-rays done. We had to wait and hour to have her cast off then we went off to X-ray where we waited another 45 mins. By the time we got back to the fracture/trauma clinic it was 12.15. Half an hour later we went in to see the consultant, we were with her for about 5 mins then had to go out and sit for another hour to wait for a new cast to be put on. We then had to wait around for half an hour whilst the cast set and they made her next appointment. We finally left the hospital at about 3pm and got back to my friends at 4.

Busy few weeks

Wow what a busy few weeks I have had or so it seems. I've been busy making cards for friends, forum members and family.
The kids have been backward and forwards to dancing, orchestra, Brownies etc. I've had various meetings and to top it all I've had to get Kayleigh up into her classroom each morning to make sure she wasn't pushed down the stairs or she didn't fall down them

Monday 11 May 2009

Doesn't time fly

Wow!!! I can't believe how long it is since I have last been on here. So much has happened. Firstly I was poorly, then Kayleigh my middle one had a horrible virus that the Doctor said would go away in a week but she didn't need antibiotics. The second week I took her back and was given antibiotics and told she should have had them sooner.

Next came Easter and I took the kids down to my parents in Berkshire and my sister came over from the US so we had loads of day trips out with her.

We came home and the kids went back to school and Kayleigh started complaining her foot hurt to walk on but me being me just told her it was growing pains and she would be OK in a couple of days. Well 2 days later she couldn't walk on her foot so another trip to the GP where she told us it was tendonitus and to go and rest it at home but walk on it to keep it strong. Another 2 days passed and her foot was boiling hot and red then half and hour later it was freezing cold and purple so I took her to A&E where the receptionist told me I shouldn't be there but at my own GP because it had been going on for a while. I told her I wanted it looking at and was prepared to wait all day if I had to. We were seen within 20 minutes and taken through to a Doctor to look at it. The Dr sent her for X-Rays and blood tests but the results came back clear. She still wasn't happy that Kayleigh couldn't put her weight on her foot so got another Dr for a second opinion. He poked and prodded at Kayleighs heal had a look at the X-Rays and told us she has Sever's disease and would need to rest it for at least 2 weeks. She now has a cast on her leg and will be in it until she goes to the fracture clinic on 26th May when hopefully they will say she can have it removed.
Below is a photo of Kayleigh with her cast on. She is holding some cards she had been sent by Julie and Sally from Cardmaking and papercraft forum.

Monday 2 March 2009

I can't believe.....

It's been 2 weeks since I last posted on here. I've been rushing around doing housework and visiting friends.
On a brighter note I have been given this award by Sue at Maytree crafts. Thanks Sue.
I have to pass it on to 10 people so here's who I pass it to

Sally Bentham

Tuesday 17 February 2009

I've been ill

I've been away from here for just over a week now with a nasty chest infection which just wont shift. I am breathing a lot better now but I still feel like my chest is being stepped on and crushed. Looks like another trip to the Doctors for me.

On a brighter note I have been able to make a couple of cards.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Snow Pals

I can't believe it's over a week since I last posted on here. It's been snowing most of the week here and the school was closed on Tuesday and Thursday so my 3 decided to make some snowmen.
Here's what they came up with

Friday 30 January 2009

I've been given 2 awards and tagged today

Well I've come onto my blog tonight to find I've been given 2 lovely awards and I've been tagged too. Thank you to Jan, Debs and Caro for both the awards for tagging me. I need to think who I can tag so I will be back later to let you know.

Now for the tag. I have to go to the 6th file and show you the 6th picture in it

Here goes: The photo is of my 3 at Twycross zoo. It was taken last year so Michaela (in the black) was 9, Kayleigh was 8 and Joshua was 7 when the photo was taken

Thursday 29 January 2009

Cards by my 2 daughters

On CMPC forum Sarah Bostock form Quick Cards Made Easy asked people to send in tips for saving money so Kayleigh my 9 year old wrote in saying she uses leftover gift tags from one year to make the following years Christmas cards and Michaela my 10 year old saves junk mail envelopes to use for Iris folding cards. I hope you like their cards

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Green challenge

On one of the many forums I belong to this months challenge is to make a green card. As long as most of the card/ design was green we were ok. Here is what I came up with. Both cards are a green base card embossed with my cuttlebug embossing folder. I then added the relevent ribbons, brads and picture. All I have to do now is decide what occassion the cards are for before adding the greeting

Tuesday 20 January 2009

I've been given an award

Thanks to Jude I have been given this lovely award. Before I can accept it I have to tell you 5 things that I am addicted to, name 5 people to pass the award onto.So here goes
1. My children
2. Craft shopping
3. Clothes shopping for the kids
4. The forums I belong to
5. Visiting and taking part in the Blog Challenges

5 people to pass onto

1. Sally
2. Caro
3. Julie
4. Jan
5. Kerry

I'm Back

Well it's been a while since I was last here. My mum was rushed into hospital a week before Christmas and came out just before the big day. As you can imagine everything was a little hectic but we did have a lot of fun as It was my Birthday and then my daughters 9th Birthday on Boxing Day too.

I think I'm finally sorted and back to all the forums and hopefully soon the challenges that I regulary enter too. I will endeavour to show you all my cards ATCs etc that I make this year for the challenges.

Happy New Year to you all and thank you for dropping by to read my blog